Friday, April 13, 2012

States: Strong-Weak-Failed-Collapsed

What makes a state is the ability to provide security to it's people - security in the form of basic safety, basic services and the ability to prosper.  But there is much more to a state's responsibilities and each state around the globe can be ranked at a different level of strength.  What factors cause a state to be considered weak or failed and waht does a collapsed state look like?  These are a few of the questions we are considering during our unit 1 study in comparative politics.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Power of the State

Your assignment:

  • Go to
  • Find one story of your choice
  • Read it
  • Determine which country is the focus of the story
  • Analyze this country in the following terms:
      • What type of legitimacy does the leadership of this country represent?  Explain.
      • Is this state considered a stong state or a weak state?  Why?
      • Is the power in this state centralized or decentralized?  Why?
      • What type of capacity does this state have?  Explain your answer.
These key terms are found in your textbook on pages 34-38.  Additional help can be found at  

Please link the article you are using from CNN. You should post your responses on your blog (along with at least two pictures that relate to your chosen topic.)